Retailers and restaurants in Japan will be required to reduce the use of 12 kinds of disposable plastic products under a new law to be enforced on April 1 next year, according to details of the law unveiled by the environment and industry ministries Monday.
日本の小売業者やレストランは、12種類の使い捨てプラスチック製品(12 kinds of disposable plastic products)の使用を減らすことが義務付けられる(be required)。
これは、月曜日に環境省と経済産業省が発表した新しい法律の詳細(details of the law)によるとそうなっている。
Disposable spoons, toothbrushes and hangers are among the plastic products to be subject to the mandatory usage reduction under the new law aimed at reducing plastic waste and promoting recycling.
これらは、プラスチック廃棄物の削減(reducing plastic waste)とリサイクルの促進(promoting recycling)を目的とした新法の下で(under the new law)、義務付けられている使用量削減の対象となるもの。
Convenience stores, supermarkets, hotels, dry cleaners, restaurants and other businesses that handle 5 tons or more of disposable plastic products a year will be obliged to reduce the use of the 12 products.
They will be urged to take necessary measures to achieve the reduction target, including introducing products made of alternative materials, charging customers for single-use plastic products or giving reward points to customers who decline to use such items.
これらの店舗に対しては、必要な措置を講じること(to take necessary measures)が求められます(be urged)。
削減目標を達成するために(to achieve the reduction target)。
その方法としては、代替材料の製品の導入(introducing products made of alternative materials)、使い捨てプラスチック製品の費用の顧客への請求(charging customers)、または、使用を拒否した顧客への報酬ポイントの付与(giving reward points to customers)など。
To businesses not taking sufficient measures, the government will give correction orders or guidance. Noncompliant businesses will be subjected to fines.
十分な対策を講じていない企業(businesses not taking sufficient measures)に対しては、政府は是正命令や指導を行う(give correction orders or guidance)。
With the enforcement of the new law, municipalities will establish a system where they can collect stationery goods, hangers and other plastic products as recyclable waste along with plastic containers, such as food trays and confectionery bags.