







The numbers show the U.S. economy is at least teetering on a recession
The White House is sure the economy is not in a recession nor headed for one. Wall Street is pretty sure there is no recession now, but isn’t as positive about what’s ahead.

Whether the U.S. skirts recession will mostly rest in the hands of consumers, who accounted for 68% of all economic activity in the first quarter. Recent indications, however, are that spending retreated in the April-to-June period. Real (after-inflation) personal consumption expenditures declined 0.1% in May after increasing just 0.2% in the first quarter.
米国が景気後退を回避するかどうかは、第 1 四半期の経済活動全体の 68% を占める消費者にかかっています。しかし、最近の兆候は、4 月から 6 月の期間に支出が後退したことです。実質(インフレ後)の個人消費支出は、第 1 四半期にわずか 0.2% 増加した後、5 月には 0.1% 減少しました。

In fact, real spending fell in three of the first five months this year, a product of inflation running at its hottest pace in more than 40 years.
実際、今年の最初の 5 か月のうち 3 か月で実質支出が減少したのは、40 年以上で最も高いペースで進行しているインフレの結果です。

It’s that consumer inflation factor that is the U.S. economy’s biggest risk now. While President Joe Biden’s administration has been touting the recent retreat of fuel prices, there are indications that inflation is broadening beyond gasoline and groceries.

Markets have taken notice of the tighter policy for 2022 and have started pricing in a higher risk of recession. On the bright side, the Goldman team said there’s a reasonable chance the market may have overpriced the inflation risks, though it will need convincing that prices have peaked.
市場は 2022 年の引き締め政策に注目しており、景気後退のリスクが高まることを織り込み始めています。 明るい面として、ゴールドマンのチームは、価格がピークに達したことを納得させる必要があるが、市場がインフレリスクを過大評価した可能性は十分にあると述べた。


The White House is sure the economy is not in a recession nor headed for one. Wall Street is pretty sure there is no recession now, but isn’t as positive about what’s ahead.

ホワイトハウスは、経済が不況に陥っておらず、不況に向かっていないことを確信しています(is sure the economic is not in a recession nor headed for one)。ウォール街は、現在景気後退はないと確信しています(is pretty sure there is no recession now)が、今後のことについてはそれほど前向きではありません(isn’t as positive about what’s ahead)
