






M7.4 quake strikes off northeast Japan; at least 2 dead, 151 injured
A powerful earthquake measuring up to upper 6 on the Japanese seismic intensity scale from 0 to 7 struck off the coast of Fukushima late Wednesday night, leaving at least two dead and over 150 injured.

The Japan Meteorological Agency said the earthquake occurred at around 11:36 p.m. off Fukushima, with the focus estimated to be at a depth of 57 kilometers.

According to local authorities, a man in his 60s was found on the ground outside his home in Soma and later confirmed dead at the hospital, and a man in his 70s in Tome apparently died of shock. At least 151 people had injuries connected to the quake across 11 prefectures, according to a Yomiuri Shimbun tally as of 9 a.m. Thursday.

In the aftermath of the quake, the agency issued a tsunami advisory for Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures that was lifted at 5 a.m. Thursday. A 30-centimeter-high tsunami was observed in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, and a 20-centimeter-high tsunami was confirmed in Sendai and Soma.

According to East Japan Railway Co., the Yamabiko 223 train on the Tohoku Shinkansen line, traveling from Tokyo to Sendai, derailed between Fukushima and Shiroishi-Zao stations. No injuries were reported among the 75 passengers and three crew members, JR East said.
東日本旅客鉄道によると、東京発仙台行きの東北新幹線のやまびこ223号は、福島駅と白石蔵王駅の間で脱線した。 JR東日本によると、75人の乗客と3人の乗組員の間で負傷者は報告されていません。

Among the 11 expressways that were closed, cracks were found on the Tohoku, Tohoku-Chuo and Joban expressways, which were likely to remain closed for a while, according to the Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ministry.

In areas covered by Tohoku Electric Power Co., up to 150,000 households in five prefectures suffered power outages, and about 25,000 households in Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures were still without power as of 9 a.m. Thursday. A total of 5,727 households in Fukushima, Iwate and Miyagi prefectures were without water as of 9 a.m. Thursday, according to the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry.


A powerful earthquake measuring up to upper 6 on the Japanese seismic intensity scale from 0 to 7 struck off the coast of Fukushima late Wednesday night, leaving at least two dead and over 150 injured.

水曜日の夜遅く、日本の地震強度スケールの0から7まで(the Japanese seismic intensity scale from 0 to 7)のうち6強の強力な地震が福島沖で発生し(struck off the coast of Fukushima)少なくとも2人が死亡し(at least two dead)、150人以上が負傷しました。





“the Japanese seismic intensity scale from 0 to 7″で「日本の地震強度スケールの0から7まで」と訳しています



“at least two dead”で「少なくとも2人が亡くなった」と表現しています。

“at least ~”で「少なくとも~」という表現。よく使うので覚えておきたいです。

The Japan Meteorological Agency said the earthquake occurred at around 11:36 p.m. off Fukushima, with the focus estimated to be at a depth of 57 kilometers.

気象庁によると、地震は午後11時36分ごろに発生しました(occurred at around 11:36 p.m.)

震源は福島沖で、57キロメートルの深さにあると推定されています(estimated to be at a depth of 57 kilometers)



“estimated to be at a depth of 57 kilometers”で「57キロメートルの深さにあると推定されます」と訳しています



According to local authorities, a man in his 60s was found on the ground outside his home in Soma and later confirmed dead at the hospital, and a man in his 70s in Tome apparently died of shock. At least 151 people had injuries connected to the quake across 11 prefectures, according to a Yomiuri Shimbun tally as of 9 a.m. Thursday.

自治体によると(according to local authorities)、相馬市の自宅の外の地面で60代の男性が発見されて(a man in his 60s was found on the ground outside his home)、後に病院で死亡したことが確認された(confirmed dead)
