







How Prince Louis responded to news of the queen's death, according to one royal expert
Royal fans have been wondering how the great-grandchildren of Queen Elizabeth II have been handling the news of her death at 96 years old, and we may have a glimpse into how they’re coping.
ロイヤル ファンは、エリザベス 2 世女王のひ孫が 96 歳での彼女の死のニュースをどのように処理しているか疑問に思っていました。

According to royal expert and Sunday Times editor Roya Nikkhah, while meeting with supporters outside of Windsor Castle on Saturday, Sept. 10, the former Kate Middleton revealed what Prince Louis said in response to the news of the queen’s passing.

Nikkhah tweeted, “An emotional Princess of Wales told a group children that Prince Louis said of the Queen ‘At least Grannie is with Great Grandpa now’
ニッカー は次のようにツイートしました。「感動的なウェールズ王女は、グループの子供たちに、ルイ王子が女王について「少なくともグラニーは今、偉大なおじいちゃんと一緒にいる」と言ったと語った.

Back in June, all eyes were on Queen Elizabeth II as she appeared on the balcony of Buckingham Palace during the Trooping the Color parade. But it was Prince Louis who inadvertently stole the show.
6 月に戻ると、エリザベス 2 世女王がバッキンガム宮殿のバルコニーに登場したトルーピング ザ カラー パレードに注目が集まっていました。しかし、うっかりしてショーを盗んだのはルイ王子でした.

Louis was animated as ever reacting to the noise of the planes overhead, waving to the crowd and making all sorts of funny faces as he looked at the massive aircrafts flying low over the palace. Queen Elizabeth continued to smile throughout his antics, seemingly enjoying her great-grandson in even his most energetic moments.


Royal fans have been wondering how the great-grandchildren of Queen Elizabeth II have been handling the news of her death at 96 years old, and we may have a glimpse into how they’re coping.
ロイヤル ファンは、エリザベス 2 世女王のひ孫が 96 歳での彼女の死のニュースをどのように処理しているか疑問に思っていました。

ロイヤル ファンは、エリザベス 2 世女王のひ孫が 96 歳での彼女の死のニュースをどのように処理しているか疑問に思っていました(have been wondering)





“have been wondering”