The government and the organizing committee of the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics plan to tighten restrictions on visiting athletes, Games-related officials and foreign media, The Yomiuri Shimbun has learned.
政府と東京オリンピック・パラリンピック組織委員会が訪問制限を強化しようとしている(plan to tighten)ことがわかった。
According to sources, repeat rule breakers will be banned from going out for up to 14 days and placed under the supervision of the Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Guidelines set by the organizing committee concerning novel coronavirus measures prohibit athletes and others related to the Games from traveling to locations other than event venues or places that the committee has been notified of in advance.
この文の主語は、“guidelines set by the organization committee concern novel coronavirus measures”で、「新しいコロナウイルス対策に関して組織委員会が設定したガイドラインは」となります。
The government and the organizing committee have deemed it necessary to make the rules governing behavior more specific due to reports that members of the foreign media and others have been sneaking out of their hotels and visiting tourist spots in Tokyo, the sources said.
According to plans drawn up by the government and the organizing committee, a warning will be issued to individuals who break the rules or sports governing associations, among others.