Created using a blend of spices and original recipes, craft cola is experiencing a boom in popularity. Their unique aromas and refreshing sensations, said by some to be addictive, have been causing quite a stir.
スパイスとオリジナルレシピをブレンドして作られる(created using a blend of spices and original recipes)。
そのクラフトコーラは、人気でブームを迎えています(is experiencing a boom in popularity)。
The spike in interest was sparked by Iyoshi Cola, a business located in Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo, that is said to be a pioneer in craft cola’s creation.
On a weekend in mid-May, many customers could be seen lined up in front of the store before it opened for the day.
5月の中旬の週末は、開店前に多くのお客さんが店の前に並んでいた(lined up in front of the store)。
“The nostalgic and addictive taste cannot be found in colas sold in supermarkets,” said one customer from Tokyo’s Nakano Ward who sampled “The Dreamy Flavor,” one of the store’s regular flavors made with lemon and more than 10 varieties of spices such as cola nut and clove.
このお客さんは、レモンといろんな10種類以上のスパイス(more than 10 varieties)を使ったレギュラーフレーバーを試飲していました(sampled)。
The store’s 31-year-old founder and operator Takahide Kobayashi was originally an employee of a major advertising company who enjoyed making homemade cola on his days off as a hobby. “I enjoyed the pursuit of [finding] a satisfying flavor,” he recalled.
He became inspired to open a store of his own after sorting through the belongings of his grandfather, who ran a Chinese medicine workshop called Iyoshi Yakko.
この店は、もともとは彼の祖父がやっていた漢方工房(Chinese medicine workshop)の店。
それを整理した後(after sorting)、自分の店を開く気になった(became inspired to open a store of his own)。
When making his cola, Kobayashi used the exquisite way of heating or treating medicinal herbs described in a memo of his grandfather’s that he found.
彼は、このプロセスにより、現在提供しているコーラと同様の香りのよい飲み物(drinks with a similar fragrant flavor)を作ることができた。
While working as a company employee, he began to sell his cola from a food truck in Tokyo on weekends. His cola soon gained quite a following on social media. About a year after the launch of his product, he began to sell his cola syrup wholesale nationwide.
In 2018, he quit his company job to focus on making cola. After renovating his grandfather’s Chinese medicine workshop, he opened his store last February. In April this year, he opened another branch in Tokyo’s Shibuya Ward. Iyoshi Cola has grown into a company with about 20 employees.
彼は、2018年にコーラの製造に専念するために(to focus on making cola)広告代理店をやめた(quit)。
彼は、祖父の漢方工房を改装した後(after renovating his grandfather’s Chinese medicine workshop)、昨年2月に店をオープンした。
そして、今年の4月には、渋谷に支店をオープン(opened another branch)。
伊吉コーラは、約20人の従業員を抱える会社に成長した(has grown into a company)。
Kobayashi’s next goal is to open a store in the United States, the home of cola. “I want to become a cola dealer on par with Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola, and spread the taste of Iyoshi around the world,” he said with a smile.