If you take any world problem, any issue on the planet, the solution to that problem certainly includes education. In education, the roadblock is the laptop.
From the industrial revolution to the digital boom, technology has always been a huge economic impetus. Yet, for those developing countries whose children lack access to modern technology, the future was uncertain indeed.
Enter Nicholas Negroponte; an MIT professor, angel investor, and visionary with a passion for helping the less fortunate. Nicholas believed that if given access to affordable 21th century technology and education, impoverished children would have the means to change the world.
Nicholas launched his One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) initiative in 2005 and proposed to provide a fully functional, self-powering laptop for only $100.
Nicholasは、2005年にOne Laptop Per Child(OLPC)の取り組みを開始し、完全に機能するセルフパワーのラップトップをわずか100ドルで提供することを提案しました。
Complete with a durable body, a Linux-based OS, and tools focused on developing creativity, media outlets such as the New York Times called it, “The laptop that will save the world.
Unfortunately, “The $100 laptop” (eventually close to $200) ran into numerous production, marketing, and political problems that eventually derailed Nicholas’ hopes.