A lottery system for COVID-19 vaccinations in Tokyo failed to placate young people’s demand for inoculations, despite the metropolitan government’s move to make the system fairer.
若者の予防接種の需要(young people’s demand for inoculations)を和らげることに失敗した。
Tokyo’s new reservation-free COVID-19 vaccination center for young people in Shibuya Ward saw lines Saturday reaching at one point as far as Harajuku Station about a kilometer away.
Lots were distributed to 2,226 people and about one-sixth of them, or 354, won the right to receive the vaccination the same day. Their second shot will also be available at the same location.
そして、だいたい6分の1の354人がその日にワクチンを受ける権利を獲得した(won the right)。
彼らは同じ場所(the same location)で2回目の接種(second shot)もできます。
When this vaccination center opened at Workers’ Welfare Hall on Friday, the system was first come, first served. As only around 300 doses can be given each day, it was changed to a lottery system.
金曜日に労働者福祉ホールでこの予防接種センター(this vaccination center)が開設されたとき、やり方は先着順だった(first come, first served)。
でも、毎日300人分(300 doses)しか提供できないため、抽選制に変更されました(was changed to a lottery system)。
“It’s hard to get the vaccination whether by lottery or appointment,” said a 33-year-old part-time worker who waited for nearly three hours and was unsuccessful in the lottery. “Isn’t it the same in the end?”
「抽選でも予約でも(whether by lottery or appointment)、予防接種を受けるのは難しい。」と抽選に失敗した(unsuccessful in the lottery)パートタイム労働者は言っています。
「結局一緒(the same in the end)じゃないですか?」
A 17-year-old female student in her second year of high school who won the lottery said she wanted to have a normal high school life as time for her club and other activities had been cut short.
Tokyo continued with the lottery system on Sunday while also providing information about reservation-only vaccination venues at the north and south observatories at the Tokyo metropolitan government building and in the Nogizaka area of Minato Ward.