Dr. Gia Slson felt a pea-sized lump on her left breast while taking a shower one day. Despite being a doctor who knew the health risks, she chose to ignore them.
Gia Sison 意志は、ある日シャワーを浴びているときに、左乳房に豆粒大のしこりを感じました。 健康上のリスクを知っている医師であるにもかかわらず、彼女はそれらを無視することを選びました。
シャワーを浴びているとき(while taking a shower)に左胸に豆粒大のしこり(a pea-sized lump)を見つけた。
Three years later, the lump got worse and her colleague confirmed her worst fear – she had breast cancer. Gia felt immediate regret; shrugging off the issue was a critical mistake that could have cost her her life.
With life-threatening disease, the typical advice is to focus on positive things. But Gia went the other way; she wrote a journal of her failures! Why?
命に係わる病気の場合、適切なアドバイス(typical advice)は、ポジティブなことに集中すること(to focus on positive)だそうです。
でも、ジアさんは全くその逆のことを行った(went the other way)。
それは、失敗の日記(a journal of her failures)を書くことでした。
To Gia, failure is something we need to propel ourselves forward – not something to evade. So on the other side of her journal pages, she noted what she could do to address her mistakes and took action. She used her past mistakes to strategically improve her life, which led to her eventual recovery.
In business, we know that failure leads to success. But nobody honestly wants to celebrate failing a relationship, flunking an exam, or losing a big contract.
I love learning about self-improvement. So I jumped at the chance of trying Gia’s journal practice. I was hoping it would make me feel better, but it didn’t.
I had to experience the process firsthand to realize this truth: writing is not even half of the equation. It’s what happens outside the pages. It’s what you feel and do about your failures, that make the difference.
I think Japanese culture takes very seriously about mistake. I think the culture of fear of failure rather than the culture of try and error. However, because there is no success without challenge, I think challenge is necessary.
What advice would you give to someone who suffered a major failure in their life?
I think you change failures to experiences and should struggle what you can do. Even though you regret, you can not go back to past. It is important for us to do our best we can do from now.