For some, the path to philanthropy is born out of a successful business, a wealthy family, or through some other means of financial success and freedom. Yet, for Jillian Haslam, her dedication to philanthropy was born out of first-hand experience.
As a young child growing up in India, Jillian had lived in extreme poverty and the only reason she is alive today is because of the kindness of strangers. Philanthropy brought her out of poverty, gave her an education, and literally saved her life.
Jillian has now become a powerful voice in the world of philanthropy. Her work is funded through royalties generated from her memoir, Indian. English, speaking events, and generous donors.
She then uses these funds to find a way to make an immediate impact by identifying problems and formulating effective solutions to combat the issues head on.
With five charities currently operating under her watch and constant speaking engagements, one might think that Jillian would be too busy to meet the people she helps.
Yet, she continues “to do all I can to reach out to those who are in similar situations now that I was in not so long ago.” After all, what goes around comes around.
I think the most important thing is education. If the appropriate education not be done, it would difficult for them to escape from the poverty. The possibilities to go out from the poverty will rise up, if they are educated properly and they can study by themselves. In this meaning, education is really the most important thing, I think.
People have said that kindness is contagious. Do you agree?
優しさは伝染すると言われています。 同意しますか?
Yes, I do. If we receive kindness from someone, we would want to be kind to others, I think. Ordinary people want to do for other people what they are done by the others. So, if everyone was always kind to others, then kindness will be coming back to everyone.
Can you give an example of the expression “what goes around comes around”?
When there is someone who are in trouble, I would think about it as
the things which happen to me and help him eagerly. Then, when I am in trouble something in someday, the person would help me in return. Actually such a things often happen in business. So, when I am asked something by someone, I will always do my best. After that the person will help me when I am in trouble someday.
Do you think that people can overcome their environment and bad luck with just hard work?
If we worked so hard, the possibilities would rise up that we can conquer the environments or defeat the unlucky situations. But sometimes it is not enough. Because we need to do the efforts in the right direction. For this purpose, it would need to receive proper education and gain the knowledge of doing the right effort.
Two years ago, when I went to London, Tom and Clair, who had met at work before, guided me. First of all, they came to my hotel and picked me up and went to Heathrow airport. We looked around a lot of place at Heathrow airport, then they brought me to London city tour. We went Buckingham Palace and walked main street, looking out Westminster Abbey, Big Ben and rode on London Eye. I was really happy because they were so kind and treated me politely. At that time, I thought I should always be kind to anybody. I wonder why foreign country people who I know, always be very kind to me.
Hello Ko! Continue to improve your confidence in having a conversation about any topic, and thank you for being receptive to my suggestions. Well done again in today’s story, see you in our next meeting!