







‘Two-time champ Hanyu in 8th after short program
Figure skater Yuzuru Hanyu’s quest for gold at three consecutive Olympics suffered a huge setback Tuesday, as the Japanese superstar placed eighth in the short program of the men’s singles at the Capital Indoor Stadium in Beijing.

Three-time world champion Nathan Chen of the United States was atop the roster Tuesday with the highest score of 113.97. Hanyu scored 95.15.

“I didn’t feel like I made a mistake,” Hanyu told reporters after his performance, during which he failed to execute a planned quad salchow at the beginning of his routine.

“Right at the takeoff, there was a hole [made by an earlier skater],” Hanyu recalled. “I tried [a quad salchow], but my brain protected my body.”

Hanyu pulled off a quad toe loop-triple toe loop combination and a triple axel. “I was able to focus during the performance. Overall, this was one of my best performances [in the short program].”
羽生は、4回転トウループとトリプルトウループの組み合わせとトリプルアクセルをやってのけました。 「パフォーマンス中に集中することができました。全体として、これは[ショートプログラムで]私の最高のパフォーマンスの1つでした。」

There are nearly 20 points between Chen and Hanyu. “My form is perfect” for the free skate on Thursday, Hanyu stressed. “I was unlucky today, but I want to prepare well to perform [a quadruple axel],” Hanyu said.
チェンと羽生の間には20点近くあります。木曜日のフリースケーティングには「私の調子は完璧だ」と羽生は強調した。 「今日は運が悪かったのですが、[4回転アクセル]を上手にこなす準備をしたいです」と羽生は語った。


Figure skater Yuzuru Hanyu’s quest for gold at three consecutive Olympics suffered a huge setback Tuesday, as the Japanese superstar placed eighth in the short program of the men’s singles at the Capital Indoor Stadium in Beijing.

フィギュアスケートの羽生結弦選手の3回連続(three consecutive)での金メダル獲得(quest)は、火曜日に大きな後退に見舞われた(suffered a huge setback)
